2007 JETTA , AIR BAG,Driver,Wheel, Part Number: 253-52262L, (STK: 158166 R2596)
Stock#158166 Inventory #: R2596 Loc:OFFICE.3
VIN: 3VWGF71K77M158166
Interchange Part Number: 253-52262L
Hollander Interchange found this part as interchangeable with: JETTA 05 Sdn, VIN K (8th digit), front, driver, wheel, w/o radio and phone control; w/steering wheel balance weight (opt 1Q1); JETTA 06 Sdn (VIN K, 8th digit), front, driver, wheel, w/o radio and phone control; w/steering wheel balance weight (opt 1Q1); JETTA 07 (Sdn), VIN K (8th digit), front, driver, wheel, w/o radio and phone control; w/steering wheel balance weight (opt 1Q1); JETTA GLI 06 (VIN K, 8th digit), front, driver, wheel, w/o radio and phone control; w/steering wheel balance weight (opt 1Q1); JETTA GLI 07 front, driver, wheel, w/o radio and phone control; w/steering wheel balance weight (opt 1Q1)
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